Global Benchmarking Review

Published by on the 5 July 2020

Peer Review Portal has 40 institutions participating in its global review and is seeking more.

It says it has had a lot of feedback from the HE sector on the timeliness of the key themes – academic advising, first year transition and retention and student wellbeing and safety.

It has also been asked if it could add some questions about the key learnings from COVID-19.

It will include some questions in the institutional context statement which it will send out in the next few weeks.
The key revised milestones are:
* Self-review (July-August 2020)
* Validation and analysis (Sept 2020)
*Peer review documentation (Oct 2020)
*Final report and publications (Nov 2020)
* Good practice case study series (Dec 2020)
The key themes and questions are below:
Theme 1: Academic Advising:  Link to Self Review
Theme 2: First Year Transition and Retention: Link to Self Review
Theme 3: Student Wellbeing and Safety:  Link to Self Review
Website Information:
Zoom meeting support: Let us know if you would like to catch up over zoom to discuss any questions you may have. If you can give us some dates/times you and/or your team are available, we will send a zoom link.