Investigating how leaders in L&T units across Australian regional universities employ SET to ensure fairness and optimise their L&T benefit
Project Complete on the 25 August 2022Student Evaluations of Courses and Teaching (SET) are often employed as a proxy for teaching and course quality in universities despite their correlation with the teaching academic’s demographics and issues unrelated to course or academic performance. Additionally, whilst it is acknowledged that specific factors impact academic development in regional contexts, research into how SET is employed in regional Australia has not been undertaken. This project thus seeks to discover how leaders in L&T across Australian regional universities employ SET; promote them; measures used to mitigate bias in the SET process; and pre/post-SET processes used to support academic development.
Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching – Good Practice Guide
Crimmins, G., Casey, S., Weber, I., & Pourfakhimi, S. (2024). Consideration of student evaluations of teaching (SET) and learning: Perspectives of learning and teaching leaders through the ethical lens of “first, do no harm”. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1–15.