External Peer Review Resource

Published by on the 5 October 2019

The CAULLT-funded project, External Peer Review of Assessment: A Guide to Supporting the External Referencing of Academic Standards, is complete and available as an inter-active PDF at https://hdl.handle.net/1959.7/uws:53024 

Lead researcher A/P Gail Wilson will present on the resource at the CAULLT conference on  7-8 November at QUT Brisbane.

The resource is intended to provide support to academic staff engaging in the external peer review of assessment. It is aimed at both experienced reviewers and for people preparing to review for the first time.

The resource is a 34-page interactive PDF that can be used independently or in a group/team context.

Highlights of the resource include:

  • Designed with a professional learning focus,
  • Provides guidance notes for peer reviewers to support their responses to six key peer review questions,
  • Includes a sample course and course data to facilitate peer review skills development,
  • Emphasises adopting a conversational approach to giving feedback during the external peer review process,
  • Facilitating both screen reading and printing of the resource through an interactive PDF format.