Archetypes participants needed

Published by on the 14 January 2021

Participants needed for research investigating academic life in Australia universities

We’re looking for casual, part-time, and full-time academic staff from Australian universities to participate in an interview about your experience of being an academic.

This project is funded by CAULLT and aims to explore the experience of being an academic in Australian universities, with a particular emphasis on teaching and learning.

Through a qualitative, semi-structured interview style, using thematic analysis and tools and methods from user experience, the project will establish the first empirically derived archetypes of academics working in Australian universities.

The archetypes will draw on aspects of user experience personas and behavioural archetypes, and will describe different ‘types’ of academics at Australian universities with a particular focus on their professional learning, and their teaching and learning support needs.

For more information about what participation entails, download the plain language statement and consent form visit the project website:

If you would like to participate, please contact Dr Christine Yates via email:

Further information: