CAULLT 2024 Academic Development Day

To register for the CAULLT 2024 Academic Development Day, please click here 
To download the program, please click here (a draft program will be made available soon)

CAULLT invites you to its 2024 Academic Development Day on Thursday, 24 October 2024 at the Flinders University City Campus, Adelaide.

Participation is free of charge and open to staff members from CAULLT member institutions only.

The CAULLT 2024 Academic Development Day is offered in face-to-face mode only to allow attendees to share their practice and insights and to network. 

The day features:

  • Leading through Academic Development (keynote by Prof. Rowena Harper, Edith Cowan University)
  • presentations by shortlisted applicants for the Academic Development Awards
  • Supporting Academic Developers workshop
  • presentation of the Outcome of the Professional Learning Survey (Prof. Barbie Panther, Deakin University)
  • Academic Development Day Dinner

CAULLT is looking forward meeting you at its 2024 Academic Development Day.

Please contact us on if you have any questions.