NZ universities at CAULLT event

Published by on the 5 July 2019

At the NZ event, CAULLT exec members with the AUT host, from left: Kogi Naidoo (CSU), Geoff Perry (AUT), Kevin Ashford-Rowe (QUT), Gayle Morris (AUT) and Kylie Readman (Murdoch)

Most New Zealand universities were represented at a special ‘welcome to CAULLT’ event hosted by Auckland University of Technology on 2 July.

“The intention of this event was to bring together CAULLT’s current New Zealand members and at the same time promote the role and value of the organisation to those New Zealand Universities not already members,” CAULLT president, Kevin Ashford-Rowe said.

The event was hosted by Professor Geoff Perry, Deputy Vice-Chancellor AUT and Professor Kevin Ashford-Rowe, President of CAULLT. The event was co-ordinated by CAULLT’s New Zealand executive committee member Professor Gail Morris, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning & Teaching) AUT. Also attending on behalf of CAULLT were vice president, Professor Kylie Readman (Murdoch) and secretary, Associate Professor Kogi Naidoo (CSU).

“It was a well attended function and a great opportunity for colleagues from both sides of the Tasman to discuss  the challenges that we each face, more importantly the majority of which we share. CAULLT remains very keen to live up to its now ‘Australasian’ remit and to better engage and facilitate an ongoing Trans-Tasman university learning and teaching conversation,” Kevin said .