New reflection practice guide

Published by on the 5 February 2020

Reflection for learning: a scholarly guide for educators is designed for those interested in supporting reflective practice for their students’ learning, and for their own learning and career development.

The guide is the work of the Reflection for Learning Circle (R4L), established in 2011 and comprising a transdisciplinary team of academics passionate about reflective practice. Associate Professor Marina Harvey is a Principal Fellow and Director of Academic Development Services at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Together with Kate Lloyd, Kath McLachlan, Anne-Louise Semple (SFHEA) and Greg Walkenden from Macquarie University, they have created the guide to:

·                Introduce a spectrum of approaches to reflective practice spanning analytical,   personalistic, critical and creative disciplines, and

·               Consider the scholarship underpinning good reflective practice in higher education.

Marina Harvey shared some of the reflective practices featured in the guide at the April 2019 CAULLT conference.