CAULLT Strategic Areas of Activity


The mission of CAULLT is to promote and advance research, policy and practice as it relates to the leadership, management and development of higher education learning and teaching.


  1. To be recognised in Australasia as the key advocate and influencer in university learning, teaching and leadership.
  2. A key support for learning and teaching leaders and emerging leaders in their role as strategic and effective promoters of quality academic practices within their institutions and in the university education sector.

Strategic Goals

  1. Advance, recognise and support professional learning, sharing of good practice and networking opportunities for leaders in learning and teaching.
  2. Influence and promote the enhancement of university leadership and leaders in learning and teaching in Australasia.
  3. Advance and support the scholarship of learning and teaching in Australasian universities.
  4. Position CAULLT as a key contributor to the policy debate within the Australasian higher education sector.
  5. Facilitate a rich and shared understanding of higher education leadership in learning and teaching