Member universities and their nominees
Australian Capital Territory
Australian National University
University of Canberra
Prof. Tania Broadley Jenny Millea Prof. Tamsin Kelly
New South Wales
Australian Catholic University
Assoc. Prof. Anthony Whitty Dr Susan Brooman-Jones Dr Alison Owens
Charles Sturt University
Assoc. Prof. Koshila Kumar Prof. Janelle Wheat Prof. Lisa Cary
Macquarie University
Prof. Taryn Jones Prof. Nial Wheate
Southern Cross University
Prof. Ruth Greenaway Dr Mieke Witsel Dr Jo Munn
University of New England
Suzanne Crew Sarah Thorneycroft Dr. Kashmira Dave
University of Newcastle
Prof. Steven Warburton Dr Clare Lloyd Luke Boulton
University of Notre Dame
Dr Kathie Adrzejewska Prof. Cate Thill Michelle Katavatsis
University of NSW
Prof. Alex Steel Karin Watson Dr Anna Rowe
University of Sydney
Dr. Jessica Frawley Dr. Eszter Kalman Dr. Samantha Clarke
University of Technology, Sydney
Assoc. Prof. Jan McLean Assoc. Prof. Jacqui McManus Assoc. Prof. Franziska Trede
University of Wollongong
Dr Bonnie Dean Dr Alyce Mason Dr Conor West
University of Western Sydney
Prof. Brian Stout Lynnae Venaruzzo
Northern Territory
Charles Darwin University
Prof. Michael Sankey Prof. Fiona Coulson
Bond University
Central Queensland University
Griffith University
James Cook University
Dr Andrea Lynch Assoc. Prof. Michele Dale Sherre Roy
Queensland University of Technology
Prof. Abby Cathcart Assoc. Prof. Judith Smith
University of Queensland
Prof. Karen Benson Dr Greg Winslett Dr Deanne Gannaway
University of Southern Queensland
Prof. Jo-Anne Ferreira Assoc. Prof. Ian Davis
University of the Sunshine Coast
Anita Jones Kayleen Wood Dionne Amato-Ali
South Australia
Flinders University
Prof. Michelle Picard Cassandra Hood
University of Adelaide
Prof. Suzanne Le Mire Travis Cox Assoc. Prof. Graham Hardy
University of South Australia
Assoc. Prof. Sheridan Gentili Dr David Birbeck Dr Claire Aitchison
University of Tasmania
Dr Andrea Adam Lori Abell Prof. Mitch Parsell
Deakin University
Prof. Barbie Panther Darci Taylor Prof. Helen Partridge
Federation University
Prof. Nina Fotinatos Prof. Birgit Loch Assoc. Prof. Lara Wakeling
La Trobe University
Helen Enright Assoc. Prof. Sharna Spittle Dr Karin Moses
Monash University
Prof. Allie Clemans Rosie Mackay Assoc. Prof. Tim Fawns
Prof. Shona Leitch Glen O’Grady Dr. Helen Mclean
Swinburne University of Technology
Llew Mann Prof. Laura-Anne Bull Assoc. Prof. Ant Soward
Victoria University
Marianne Samulis Miriam Bennett Rosy Borland
Western Australia
Curtin University
Assoc. Prof. J Ho Raelene Tifflin Dr Sarah Evamy
Edith Cowan University
Prof. Rowena Harper Dr Katrina Strampel Trina Jorre de St. Jorre
Murdoch University
Dr Shannon Johnston Prof. Don Klinger Assoc. Prof. Garth Maker
University of Western Australia
Affiliate Universities
Avondale University
Assoc. Prof. Carolyn Rickett
King’s Own Institute
New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology
Dr Nell Mann Felicity Reid Dr John Davis
Massey University
Jean Jacoby Andrew Rowatt Maggie Hartnett