CAULLT Project Resources
Learning and Teaching Professional Learning Survey of Australian Universities.
The “Provision of Professional Learning in Australian and New Zealand Universities – An Environmental Scan” publication is available to staff members of CAULLT member universities
To obtain a copy of the publication, please contact the CAULLT Secretariat.
Investigating how leaders in L&T units across Australian regional universities employ SET to ensure fairness and optimise their L&T benefit
Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching – Good Practice Guide
Crimmins, G., Casey, S., Weber, I., & Pourfakhimi, S. (2024). Consideration of student evaluations of teaching (SET) and learning: Perspectives of learning and teaching leaders through the ethical lens of “first, do no harm”. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1–15.
A values-framework and self-assessment tool to improve tertiary academic leadership
Investigating Learning and Teaching Frameworks and Credentialing for Professional Learning in Higher Education
Credentialing professional learning for university educators – A Literature Review
Micro-credentialing and Professional Learning in Higher Education (presentation)
Framing Credentials for Higher Education Educators (presentation)
Towards a common, transferable Australasian Higher Education micro-credentialing framework for professional learning in teaching, learning and leadership
2019 CAULLT Grant Project Report
Hamilton, J., Adam, A., & Harvey, M. (2024). Advancing academic development: a strategic, integrated model for recognition, professional development, and community-building. International Journal for Academic Development, 1–15.
The impact of human resource challenges on central ADUs
The Role of Mindfulness in Managing HRM Challenges for Senior Higher Education Learning and Teaching Leaders (book chapter)
External Peer Review of Assessment
Professionalisation in academic development: learning designer roles
Snapshot of the learning design profession
Well beings lead well being
Wellbeings lead Well Being (presentation)
Survey of professional development needs of ADs
CADAD/HERDSA: Survey of Professional Development needs of Academic Developers
Trialling a Peer Assisted Teaching Scheme
Developing an Academic Director’s Professional Identity
Developing Academic Directors Professional Identity booklet