Awards, Grants & Projects
CAULLT supports research into leading academic development through awards and its grants program, which is available to staff from CAULLT member institutions.
The ASCILITE/CAULLT Award for Outstanding Leadership in Digital Learning in Higher Education recognises individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in digital learning in higher education.
For details about the award and the application requirements, please refer to the Awards webpage.
Applicants must be a member of ASCILITE or a staff member of a CAULLT member university.
CAULLT grants
Projects which align with CAULLT’s Strategic Plan and include multiple institutions or partners are prioritised. Project outcomes must be directly relevant to all CAULLT members and must be disseminated on CAULLT’s Projects webpage and through presentations to CAULLT members.
CAULLT may, from time-to-time, announce focus areas for upcoming projects.
Information about the grant application process and application and reporting forms can be found on the Grant application and reporting webpage.
To find out about current and past CAULLT projects, please refer to the Projects webpage
For resources developed as part of CAULLT projects, please refer to the CAULLT CAULLT Project Resources webpage.
Sponsorship: CAULLT also sponsors special events on an ad-hoc basis. Please contact for more information.
You can find a list of completed or ongoing CAULLT projects on the Projects webpage.