AD lessons learned symposium

Friday 4 September 2020 10am

Registration open for the Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Response virtual symposium
4 September  2020, 12 noon – 6pm New Zealand time (10am – 4pm AEST)

Registration is open for a free virtual symposium on 4 September on Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Response, hosted jointly by the HERDSA Academic Development SIG and ASCILITE’s TELedvisors SIG.

The symposium will be a series of facilitated Zoom meetings with reporting back to the general group to discuss four topics suggested by the community:
1. Supporting academics in the response: Successes and challenges in rapidly moving teaching and learning online,
2. From response to business-as-usual in classroom teaching and learning: what do we keep from our teaching during the response and why?
3. Higher education post-covid, what will it look like and how can we support that?
4. What can we learn from others?

Please register at

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