Monday 19 October 2020 11am

Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) 2020 conference.

Registration is open, CRADLE Conference 2020, University Assessment, Learning and Teaching: New Research Directions for a Postdigital World.

To mark the fifth anniversary, CRADLE, Deakin University, is hosting a higher education research conference from 19 to 20 October 2020 – please visit the site CRADLE Conference 2020. Cutting-edge conversations will explore the future of higher education research in a postdigital age – a topic that’s now more timely than ever.

Registrations for the online CRADLE Conference 2020 are free and are now open. (close 15 Oct 2020)
There are two registration options:
• Whole conference registration; and
• Individual sessions.
Registering for the whole conference provides you with access to all events, including research presentations and social events, while registrations for individual sessions allow you to register for any of our four main sessions – our opening session and panel session on Day One, and our symposium and closing session on Day Two.

Further information: