A’asian online, distance week

Monday 2 November 2020 6pm

The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) and the Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ) are  collaborating to launch the inaugural Australasian Online and Distance Learning Week.

This new initiative in partnership with the European Distance & E-Learning Network (EDEN) coincides with European Online and Distance Learning Week and straddles National Distance Learning Week in the United States, which is hosted by the US Distance Learning Association (USDLA). A series of webinars will be available during the week from leading practitioners and international educators working in the area. This is a unique opportunity to reflect on this year’s Covid-19 experience and celebrate the potential of new digital models of education.

Australasian Webinar Schedule

03 November – Unboxing Micro-credentials: Certifying Your Future

Time: 8:00pm (NZ) | 6:00pm (AET)

This webinar will be using Zoom. Register here.

This ODLAA webinar explores of the growth of the micro-credentialing movement in the context of new digital models of higher education and flexible approaches to continuing professional development.

06 November – Is the Future of Education Inevitably Going to be Digital First?

Time: 10:30am (NZ) | 8:30am (AET)

The webinar will be using Zoom. Register using this link.

This FLANZ webinar brings together a panel of educators, including Professor Giselle ByrnesNeil Selwyn and Simon Atkinson,to debate the question of whether or not the future of education is inevitably going to be digital first? Set against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic the panel will reflect on the potential and pitfalls of new digital models of learning and teaching and consider some of the lessons for the future. Participants will be encouraged to join the conversation.

The full provocation discussion can be found here: https://flanz.org.nz/is-the-future-of-education-inevitably-going-to-be-digital-first/

09 November – Surviving to Thriving: Rocking the New Normal

Time: 11:00am EST | 2:00pm EST

US Distance learning Association (USDLA) will provide registration information.