2021 Admissions Conference (online)

Tuesday 24 August 2021 9am
The 2021 ATEM Admissions Conference will be held online across 24 – 25 August, exploring the theme ‘The Admissions Antidote: agility, accountability, applicant-centric’.

The local organising committee of the Admissions Conference, made up of Victoria’s senior Admissions professionals, have been working to bring the Admissions sector together again.

This year’s theme is The Admissions Antidote: agility, accountability, applicant-centric, and will consider the following questions:
What have we learned from 18 months of disruption and rapid adjustment? And what is the role of Admissions in post-COVID-19 recovery?
What can we leave behind? What should we do that’s new? What do we need to carry forward into the new normal?

Information and registration here