Proposals invited for ACSES’s Equity Frontiers Small-Scale Trials Grants Program

Published by on the 9 May 2024

ACSES is happy to announce that we are now inviting proposals to be submitted for the Equity Frontiers Small-Scale Trials Grants Program.

This Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success (ACSES) Program will fund proposals for controlled trials to test student equity interventions that address contemporary developments and challenges in higher education equity policy, practice, and evaluation.

The Program focuses on interventions that address current gaps in student equity throughout the entire higher education student life cycle, as well as other issues highlighted in the Australian Universities Accord Panel’s Review of Higher Education. Proposals outlining plans for scaling up and/or adopting interventions to ensure their lasting and widespread impact within university settings, and potentially beyond, are given priority.

ACSES invites proposals from suitably qualified and experienced equity professionals in interventions relating to all student equity issues in the Australian higher education context.

Between 7 to 15 projects will be funded in the 2024 round, with the value of funding per project ranging between $75,000 and $250,000 (excluding GST).

Projects will be funded over a 12-month period, commencing in August 2024, with the following co-funding model applying:

  • The applicant (partner university) funds at least 10% in cash. In-kind contributions are additional.
  • ACSES funds 90% of the trial project’s total cost in cash.

Proposals will be assessed by the ACSES Equity Frontiers Grants Committee (EFGC).

Applications close on 6 June 2024.

The Equity Frontiers Small-Scale Trials Grants Program Guidelines, Proposal Template, and Budget Template are available on the ACSES website.

Questions and submissions for the program should be sent to ACSES Trials and Evaluation Program Director Associate Professor Lien Pham at