
Virtual WA T&L Forum

Published by on 9 December 2020

The 2021 WAND Teaching and Learning Forum will be hosted virtually from 28 -29 January 2021. The Teaching and Learning...

Empowering Learners.AI

Published by on 2 December 2020

Empowering learners for the age of AI Australian conference 10-11 December 2020, 9-5 AEDT Empowering Learners for the Age of...

SoTEL Symposium at AUT

Published by on 16 November 2020

The 4th symposium of the Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning will be held at the Auckland University of Technology (City...

On being an academic

Published by on 12 November 2020

The leaders of the CAULLT funded project Academic archetypes: Understanding the experience of being an academic in Australian universities, Helen...

Health discipline teaching

Published by on 4 November 2020

Flinders University is seeking participants to contribute to research for a PhD titled Reflections on health disciplines teaching of professional...